Adjusting your camera’s focus (Nikon D70)

click here My Nikon D70 had been sitting around unused (because I’d bought the Nikon D300) so I decided to convert it to become an infrared camera using a kit from Lifepixel.  Feeling in an adventurous mood, I decided to do the conversion myself instead of having Lifepixed do it for me.  Much to my surprise I was successful.

source url One of the things Lifepixel will do for you is adjust the focus so that the camera focuses correctly for infrared.   I decided to investigate how hard it’d be to adjust the focus for infrared myself and I found Leon Goodman’s article on the internet.  It still intimidates me a bit (most particularly taping the mirror up with cellophane tape—what kind of residue will that leave?).  I’ll let you know if I get adventurous—meanwhile the link to the article is below.

go here Camera Focus Article